5 Things That Are Happening Because You Forget To Change Your Razor!

23 Apr 2020 04:01

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How do you know when it’s time to replace your razor? After one, two or ten shave?

The rule states that if the razor is not “slip” on the skin, is definitely a time to throw it away.

5 reasons from https://www.andalastourism.com site why you should change the razor often:

1. The razor is covered with impurities

The longer you store and use, the more bacteria, dead cells and remnants of shaving cream will be on the razor. And it’s very ugly to stay like that for a few days.

2. You will never have a perfectly smooth skin!

If the shaving process takes longer to get a smooth skin, that`s the sign that the razor is not good to use. You must not pass one place twice.

3. You cut yourself often

It may sound contradictory, blunt razors can easily irritate the skin, even to cut it.

4. The risk of occurrence of pimples after shaving is increased if the razor is old

Dull blade irritates place around the follicles of the hair and leads to acne, pimples and subcutaneous fibers.

5. The chances of infection are greater

Old razor and irritated skin is a dangerous combination.

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